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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

always or forever???

my friend asked ,how long will you be with me??
>> then im thinking... which one to answer?? always or forever?? because i dont know either one which is the longer??

in Bahasa always means selalu and Forever ,means selamanya...

so what do you think about it?

if i answer i'll always be with you.. is that means that i'll be with my friend 24/7???

if i answer i'll be with you forever.. that means i'll be with my friend till the end of my life...

then come to think of it again.. both words got the same meaning..

so , my answer is i'll always be with you forever..
in bahasa saya akan sentiasa besama kamu selamanya..

a bit weird but i think that's the best answer.. dont you think so??

if you have any other suggestion.. please comment me ok..


  1. wuhuhu... nice one friend..
    your post keep me wondering... hardly wondering

    I came out with 1 suggestion ~

    Only God can be with us always and forever...
    ~ We know that, if we keep our faith in Him, He will always be with us... Forever..
    ~Even after our death...

    I think, i'm a bit out from the main topic, but it doesn't matter...

    It'sMeWith ET Opinion,

  2. say arae, thanks for u opinion..

    im in total agreement with you.. only God can be with us always and forever..

    so, i your friend ask you the same question, what will you answer???
