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Thursday, May 3, 2012


only me daCHENDA

hai bloggie, wow1 only 1 post in 2012 .. now that's amazing.. haha :p

I'm eager to write again.. OMG!! but it ain't gonna be good .. I tell ya.. hahah

~~ hahah .. just kidding.. :p

Life goes UP,UP and goes DOWN, DOWN... and DOWN for me.. OMG!! What have I done. huhu :'( sob.. sob
Is it MY FAULT?? huhuh
OH MY .... There's something wrong from the beginning till the end and I'm proud to tell that.. yeah I fall for that
LIE.. .. Oh MY..what to do?? God I don't have the strength ..


IT's SO CRUEL TO BE TRUE.. but things happened.. huhuhuh..

and I just got the perfect poem to end my post for today.. ::: SEE BELOW:::

I almost have a perfect life,
but when you come into my life,
my future seems so far,
I’m living in a lie,
but I never come to realized.

You never seems to care,
no sorry, no regret.
Telling a story of a fairy tale
while I’m dreaming of a fantasy

That sweet words of yours
silently killing my soul.
thank you for everything.. :'(

~~ GOD bless,those who hurts others... people have feeling.. please do understand.. thank you..

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Just me and my fingers

only me daCHENDA

hey bloggie, my God.. Long time no see.. hehehe

First of all.. I miss u.. hahha It's been a while since my last post.
my fingers are eager to write again.. ^_^

heheh actually I want to give up blogging.. hahha but my fingers and my heart reminds me about my bloggie (hahah seriously??)

Hey many things going on lately.. but yeah no time to write about it.. hehhe

so let's focus on our topic for today.. TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I'm in LOVE with Nursing.. Thanks God me and my friends already Graduated. last year.. now we're waiting for our RESULT (owh yeah, heart pumping hard each day. T_T don't like this kind of feeling, but I want to be a NURSE, so need to wait)

OMG~~ I just noticed something new.. wow it's a whole new setting .. NEW BLOG setting...

ok back to where I started.. In the past I never actually thought that NURSING will be my profession in the FUTURE. but GOD have a plan for US, although it's hard( stone hard ) , Me and my friends managed to go though our study. Thanks God

Many out there still have the same mentality as mine in the PAST, thought that NURSING is easy, but OMG~~ after I enter this PROGRAM I found out, it's HARD..

There are bitter sweet memories during this program and I'm loving it...

Wow it seems that it's just yesterday that I meet my beautiful FRIENDS back there.. huhuh so sad T_T, leaving all the memories behind... I miss it..but life must go on right..

so as for a conclusion.. All the best to all the HEALTHCARE PROVIDER out there who read my blog.

Happy palm SUNDAY, Happy advance Esther , GOD bless..

see You again soon bloggie, sorry for leaving u behind T_T

Friday, September 16, 2011

Can you really tell a person’s feeling???

only me daCHENDA

Hai my blog, It’s been a while since I update you.
Now I’ve something in mind to share with you all.

I’ve been thinking much lately….
Way deep, deep inside my mind.. I found this question…
Can you really tell a person’s feeling??

When can you say when a person is happy or sad?

Say for example, your friend is always smiling, you never saw her frowning..
Can you tell that she’s happy?? No Problem?? hmmm Maybe she is smiling but truly inside she is crying, she feel alone. Don’t you think so??

I’ve been thinking much about it lately.
but hey, I’ve made a solution myself. Although someone is smiling, you can really tell that she’s happy by just looking straight to her eyes..Eyes can’t lie!!
eyes can tell

They are so true.. They can tell your inner feeling..

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Precious one

only me daCHENDA

hai my blog, wanna share something with u,

Lately I always reflect on my life, many stories have been written into my life scrapbook. In the past I always wonder if there is anyone who will love me for who I truly am, but believe me, I end up hurting myself. It hurt me badly. I bleed inside, only God knows.

I’m sure every girl dream of a fairytale like love story. I’m sorry if I’m wrong but I once dream of “And they live happily ever after” love story, like the one in fairytale. Déjà vu much right! I already said about this in my last post but as I said it’ll never came true.

Okay let me make this straight. I end up hurting myself and I nearly gave up but God give me hope. Till then, I never stop praying for the one who is meant for me to arrive. The one who took my hand and said I’m the one, who cares and love me for who I am. Finally, he came humble and kind. He is the one, for me he is the GREATEST GIFT from God. Love Him so much.. But remember all the GREATEST love of all, We only get from our mighty God. ^_^

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something to share..

Reality is not the same with fantasy.. You can fantasized but it'll never become reality..

Thanks to Google for this pic..

only me daCHENDA

hai my blog,

just wanna tell you something.. ^__^

I've watched fairytale like Cinderella , Snow White etc.. and it's always a Happy Ending .." And they lived happily ever after".. but fairytale, [ It's too good to be true] ... and this is only Fantasy..

When I was little , I wish my life could be perfect. Always happy all the time.. o.O
but it didn't came true.. why?? Because this is reality we're dealing with!! Many obstacles we need to face.. If we are easily defeated by our REALITY.. we will never survived in this WORLD!! Our World is a CRUEL place.. We must be strong in order to live.. Always rely on God.. He is our source of strength and happiness.. I know He's always there for us.. Although I'm not that perfect, I always neglected God, I only turn to Him when I'm in difficult situation..

I'm bad aren't I. I'm ashamed of myself.. I supposed to always be thankful to Him.. Because of Him , I still survived till this day.. He always give me chance to correct the things I've done WRONG.and I never use that opportunity He gave me. but what if He suddenly take my life away and I didn't have the chance to correct it.. Will I be in heaven??? My point is , God is everything, put Him first, I'll correct myself, I'll learn to be more thankful to Him.. He's Good all the time..

Let's think about it. Our life thought us many things, When we successfully overcome our obstacle we'll be strong in order to live in this world . cont to do this, until the day come and we shall live in peace with our MIGHTY GOD...never deliberately take Your own life.. God didn't like it..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A little bit..

credit to : QUE yarn.. for the beautiful PIX.. ^__^
only me daCHENDA

hai Blog.. I can't sleep yet.. huhu
whenever I hear yiruma's piece.. The idea to write just popped out.. !!
so it's time to write..

When You are born, you cry and everybody around you smile, live your life the fullest ... so when you die, you are the one who smile and everybody around you cry..
wonder why am i saying things like this...

Life is unpredictable, it is meaningless if you didn't appreciate it.
I feel alone right now, it seems like I'm the only one who still alive in this world, wonder what's it like if it's really happened.....

wow that complete loneliness...
I can't bare it all..
Imagine yourself as a baby right now.. You only know how to cry, what does it feel like if a little baby were neglected?? HOPELESS isn't it?? They are supposed to have somebody to take care of them.... but still there are somebody out there who don't have a heart, they threw their baby away, didn't they felt the bonding when they carried the baby for 9 months??

Live your DAY like it was your LAST...
So you will die peacefully when the TIME come...
But still there are somebody out there deliberately taking their own life.. GOD love us so much that He CREATED us.. but why do people hate themselves do much they're willing to harm themselves??


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


only me daCHENDA

Maybe i'm not the kind of girl that could attract many people.. but it's just me.. i am who i am.. I Know i'm special in God's eyes

Maybe i'm too sensitive that i cried whenever something bothering my mind and i cry along with others when they are in pain.

Maybe i'm too young to loved someone deeply, but yeah I truly love him.

Just maybe, I'm not a Good writer , but my mind told me to express my own thoughts through writing.. although i made grammatical mistakes .. please do forgive me.. I JUST LOVE TO WRITE, writing is everything to me, it's kinda fun.. yeah.. the ideas just popped out like.. bOOM!! then there i am, writing like a professional writer..

I think my mind is full of fantasy and curiosity.. I just want to share with You all.. okay see You all in my next post.. God bless

Our life

only me daCHENDA

hai my blog..
i want to share something with u.

There are things in life that could not be explain,
You might be thinking what is it?

In the past i wonder... what is the purpose of living??

but now I see things differently.. I start to appreciate life. People come and go. you don't know when your turn come..

Our life is precious, we met many people throughout our life and each one of them taught us something..

I've seen many grieve and sadness of people.. I shared their joy at first but at last their laughter fade.. Their mourn conquer the space. My heart could not bare all their pain, it also bleed to see others suffer. Yeah, loosing someone special is hurtful, tears will be your best friend and laughter will be your enemy. Seeing the photo of your lost loved one will refresh all the memories. Once, they are with you then they're gone forever. You can't see their smile anymore, You can't feel their love anymore.

Tomorrow seems no more and future seems forever.. Life could be empty.. world become black and white.. but we must be strong. Things happened for a reason my friend once said, She's a very brave and strong young girl. I know that because she can still smile although she's in pain. I know it's hard for her. it's so hard to explain the feelings, we could say be strong . but we don't actually feel the same pain.. I respect her so much that i want to dedicate this for her. I hope she'll be success. May God bless. her.. ^__^